Digital Art Poster done with Comic Life

Class 6D and 6F

You are suppose to come out with a comic poster of

Choose one of the theme

Value of RGPS Girl

1.Creative Thinker
2. Confident
3. Resilient
4. Respectful
5. Gracious
6. Value- based leader
7. Life-Long Learner

Work in 2 or 3 as a group

Artist : Claude Monet

art of immediacy, movement, of candid poses and composition, of the play of light expressed in a bright and varied use of colour

Artist : Salvador Dali

elements of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions, an expression of philosophical movement, a reflection of the influence of the idea of an unconscious mind

Please finish your comic poster during for the next 3 weeks. Save it in your thumbdrive for display and comments.


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